
chinese gift exchange / white elephant exchange @ 9:51 AM

This year we threw a Chinese / White Elephant gift exchange with friends.  The spending limit was $15 and it turned out to be a lot of fun! Tim luckily picked the very last number and I picked the 2nd to last number - I swear it was not rigged!.  He ended up stealing some Stumptown coffee & a coffee mug and I stole 15 lottery tickets, which won me $27!

Here's some more examples of the gifts in case you need to throw a gift together last minute (like we all did):
-miniature colander, pasta, & some spices
-disposable flasks (on sale now!)
-snow hat
-plaid scarf
-a bottle of wine
-olive oil & balsamic vinegar
-a Playboy (lol this was the most hated gift)

Above image by Alexandra Grablweski for Sweet Paul

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